A Fake_A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance Read online

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  I’ve been here all day, and most of the presentations have been boring. Some of them are lengthy and too detail-heavy. Some of the presenters are evasive and don’t answer questions. Some of them just have bad or boring ideas. As a corporate guy, I like something that is direct, promising, and passionate. Everything else is just additional.

  Of course, I’m pigheaded and like other parts of it, too. When a woman with a nice body is giving a presentation, I pay closer attention. I often don’t care about what she says, but I think about fucking her. Sometimes, I succeed once she finds out who I am and how much money I have. Yeah, it’s vain, but it works.

  For the time being, I guess I’m more concerned about what the board thinks of me. They haven’t cut me yet, but they’re sharpening the axe. I had to take action – fast. I needed something that would really push them into confidence and trust with me.

  Much like me, the board often cares the most about results and income. I had an advantage from that standpoint. I was making my company a lot of money and the revenue has a steady growth. The bad part is that I took a shellacking with my recent scandals.

  Now, was it fair about what happened to me? Not hardly! I didn’t know they were prostitutes. Even if I knew they were prostitutes, I didn’t pay them. When was the last time that wild and boundless sex was wrong? The 1950’s, maybe?

  Bah! The board still didn’t like it. They were more worried about their damn image, and the image of the company. That meant that I had to get out the paintbrush and make a new picture. That’s never been my strong point, but I had to at least give it a try.

  It was 2:30 p.m. and I took a sip from my bottled water. I peeped out the large window and saw the beautiful Seattle skyline. I forget how many floors I had gone up, but we were pretty high in the air. I like being able to oversee a metropolis at night, and wondered if Seattle would look nice at night, too.

  I felt conflicted about the fact that I was even there. Did I need to be there? No, not really. I could hear about, or make business deals from a remote office. Despite all that, I had to repair my company’s image. I would look better as a CEO if I went and attended these kind of events. Then, I would give off the feeling of someone who cared and would attend important functions. It’s a crock, but image often is.

  At least I played it sly. I brought two assistants with me who were taking most of the notes and doing a lot of the legwork. Then, I could sit and listen, pretend that I cared, and make a better image for my company.

  I saw two women walk into the room, and one of them was very familiar to me. I didn’t even know her name. She was the young lady I collided into downstairs and helped pick up her spilled papers. I had no idea she would be making a presentation. For the first time all day, I was pleasantly surprised.

  She’s hot and fuck-worthy, too. Her skin is soft and smooth, and she’s got a nice booty. It’s a little bit larger and a little wider than usual, but that made it sexy. She wasn’t dressed too fashionably, but she looked okay from a dressing standpoint. She had clean and neat hair, and decent clothes.

  I fantasized about a nasty sex encounter with her. I walked into a luxurious room, and she had on a tight outfit that barely held back her big tits. In fact, she was a French maid. She was walking around with a feather duster and smiled as I walked into the room.

  What happened? Well, we basically just had wild sex that had a lot of variety. I was on top, she was on top. She sucked, I sucked. Naturally, we both orgasmed and I pretended that it lasted for hours. Why not? There is no need for limitations when fantasizing.

  She had a lady with her that I didn’t recognize. I could tell pretty quickly that the other lady was in charge. She was pointing and directing the clumsy woman around. They set up a large poster board and gave me a simple, one-page handout. That was a good thing.

  They gave a presentation that was good and informative. It was one of the better ones of the day. They put it into a concise ten minutes, and then opened it up for questions. “Does anyone have any questions?” Franca asked. When she introduced herself, I found her name to be unique and interesting.

  “You gave a great presentation, and I just have one question. Can I see samples of what you want to put in? That would be helpful” I asked.

  I noticed her reach for a binder that had some stuff in it. I’m not sure if she meant to hand it out, and maybe forgot. She walked over to my table and handed it to me. “Take your time. We can always discuss more of it later if you want.”

  I flipped open the book and looked at a few different things. I saw some curtains that looked pretty cool. They were a dim red color, on thick wooden curtain rods. The curtain rods were a nice ebony color. There were cool options with the wall décor, as well. Some of the stuff was as simple as large mirrors, while other stuff was brilliant paintings. “I like the stuff in here. I’d like to hear anything your employee would have to contribute. What do you think of this design here?” I said as I pointed to a contemporary décor package.

  I don’t really know what she was thinking, but I could tell she was nervous. A small part of her lower lip was twitching – even though she was trying to smile her way through it. Her reply was a little bit bold, though. She didn’t come across as a submissive wimp. “I think our designs are top-notch, and it is my belief that you would be an idiot to pass us up.”

  Franca shot her head to the side and glared right at her. I could tell she hated that pointed comment. I guess she prefers diplomacy instead. Personally, I think it’s overrated. Give me a passionate bitch who lays down the law. I like that a lot better.

  I snickered right after she said that. It caught me off guard, so I figured I would challenge her a little bit. “Oh yeah? And why would I be an idiot to pass you up?”

  She had a little bit of a tough time initiating her spiel, but she pulled it off. “Uh…We will work the hardest for you. I will personally see to it that you’re our most important client. We will make this hotel our number one priority and make it the hottest place in the whole city.”

  That’s exactly what I wanted. I wasn’t okay with mediocrity, and no successful CEO is. We strive for exceptionalism and push ourselves to always improve. When we do better, we strive to do even better than that. It never ends, but it’s the only way to reach the top.

  It was too early to tell, but I saw promise from her that I don’t always see with a lot of people. She’s the employee who tries really hard and wants to do well, I think. If even ten percent of my employees had her heart, I can’t even imagine how awesome my company would be. “I was very impressed with your presentation. I’d like to speak to you personally and privately, if that’s okay.”

  Franca didn’t like it, probably because she wasn’t the one singled out for further discussion. Her mostly-quiet assistant was drafted to fill that role. “Okay…” she said softly as she walked out of the room.

  “Very nice to meet you. I’m sorry but I don’t know your name.”

  She gave a one-word response. “Maya.”

  I’ll admit that my plan was unconventional. Not only was she attractive, but I wanted to take it a step further with her. I wanted her to play an important role for me in my life. The corporation wanted positive, if not conventional imagery for their CEO.

  Traditional meant that I would have to appear with a woman. As in, we would have to have a relationship. The relationship could be totally bogus, and that was okay. In fact, that is exactly what I was about to propose. I was okay with it being fake, as long as the appearance was real. “Okay, so, I have a deal I can make with you. I’ll give you this job under one condition.”

  She rolled her pretty dark eyes and clobbered me with a rejection. “No, I’m not going to sleep with you, Mr. Taylor” she said as she started walking away from me.

  I reached out and gently grabbed her arm just to try and get her to stop. When I touched her, my romantic impulse raced wildly. She was beautiful, challenging, and had soft skin. A lot of women, if not most of them, would take th
eir pants off if I asked them to. She was standing firm and wouldn’t give in. I liked that.

  “If I sleep with you, it won’t be for a deal” I said to her as I kept a soft grip on her arm. “You can trust me on that.”

  She turned around to face me and her once-apparent smile dropped down into a frown. She crossed her arms and pulled away from my grip. “Oh yeah? And what is that supposed to mean?”

  I just wish I could have seen what my face looked like when I answered her. I probably had a huge grin that spread from ear to ear. Then, my eyes would form into something different – maybe a squint. I bet I looked cunning. “We would do it because you wanted to fuck me – more than anything you’ve ever wanted in your entire life.”

  “Asshole” she retorted quietly and turned around to keep walking out of the room. She was classy. I liked that, too.

  I was losing the battle and needed to fire out the offer quickly and clearly. If I didn’t, she would walk out of my life and I would have to start from scratch when it came to finding a girlfriend decoy, so to speak. “I will give you the contract if you do one thing for me. No sex.”

  She again stopped and turned to face me. She defensively kept her arms folded as she looked me over. She wasn’t playing any games. Like a serious woman, she just wanted to get down to business. “What are you proposing? Don’t jerk me around” she warned as she waited for me to talk to her.

  As ridiculous as it may have sounded to her, there comes a time when a man reaches the point of desperation. It happens when he will indeed give the ridiculous a try. “Come to Vegas with me this weekend and pretend to be my girlfriend.”

  She closed her eyes and quickly shook her head because it didn’t make sense to her. I can’t blame her, because it did sound a little weird. “What? Say again?”

  I let out a few chuckles then tried to make it sound easy for her to do. “I won’t bore you with the details, but it’s just something that I need done. I have a feeling that you would be a good fit for a pretend girlfriend. You’re pretty, and I bet you’re even sometimes polite.”

  Sometimes I wish there was a little device we could hook to a person that would allow us to read that person’s mind. I can’t even imagine how much easier that would make my sex life. I could craft every answer and behavior in conformance with exactly what the woman wanted.

  She took a full three seconds to respond, which made it more than obvious that she was thinking. I’ll just make an educated guess – she was probably balancing the professional needs and desires of her company, with any personal issues she might have.

  I didn’t know if she had a boyfriend, or even a husband. I didn’t care since I saw it as a game of pretend. I meant it when I promised her that there would be no sex. I needed her for image.

  It actually happens in life (the game of pretend) all of the time. What do almost all actors and actresses do at some point in their career? They pretend to be a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse. Same thing here. She would pretend to be my girlfriend. Just pretend.

  Her response was a bit feisty and hot, too. “Okay. I will do it. If you try to make a move on me, or anything like that, I will kick your ass so hard that your nose will bleed.”

  Chapter 6 - Maya

  It was a long day at work, but it was finally over, and thank God for that. In addition to being challenging and stressful, it was just plain weird. I would be a girlfriend – but only a pretend girlfriend – to someone who was almost a complete stranger. I knew nothing about him, and he knew nothing about me.

  I needed to go home and just relax and contemplate. That didn’t happen, because I wanted to keep my word and show up for James’ show. That meant that I had yet another distraction – a trip to the Jinx’s.

  I took a sip of a margarita that I had ordered. I’m not usually much of a drinker, but I needed it this time around. The thick salt on the rim of glass was tasty as I took in some tequila and fruity mixture. The glass was fairly tall and wide. It looked a bit like an oversized lightbulb. That was a good thing, because I needed the booze.

  I pulled out my phone and took a look at it. It was 5:50 p.m. so I knew the show was coming soon. My iPhone was in ‘Low Power Mode’ because it only had about ten percent of battery life remaining. Whatever. Basically, my screen was dim and it would die soon.

  The place was filling up with people, so I guessed that the show must not be so bad after all. The crowd was fairly diverse too. There were men, women, young, old, and middle-aged.

  I was a little bit surprised that the place had attracted that many people. The place wasn’t a total shithole, but it was a semi-shithole. I didn’t see rats running around, but I didn’t see much attraction to the place, either.

  First of all, it was a bit dingy. The lighting was an off-white, and dirty beige color. I could see cigarette stains on the ceiling tiles and the walls just needed to be scrubbed. They looked like they hadn’t been wiped in a while – because I saw some dust caked onto a window sill.

  The place was littered with half-eaten pizza crusts and bones from chicken wings. I’m not a super-clean person, but I do have some manners and etiquette. I think that a person who eats something, should throw away the remains. This place apparently had a lot of customers who didn’t follow that rule of thumb.

  I was okay with watching the show, but I hoped that it wouldn’t last too long. I really just wanted to go home and hit the hay. I had a long day and I was tired. I knew that I would eventually get there, but I wanted it to happen as quickly as possible.

  I took a big sip from my margarita straw and then the lights dimmed out. Ah! It was time for the show. I would soon see my roommate perform as Shakira. I crossed my fingers together and waited to see what would come. I was intrigued and curious.

  The first act came on, and I didn’t see any sign of James. It was a funny act, though. It showed a young man – maybe mid-twenties – acting as a child and working with someone to teach him math skills. The interaction between them was a crackup.

  There was the math instructor – Karen – who was trying to mentor the child – Steve. It was her opinion that he just wasn’t getting it. My opinion is that he was getting it, but he was being a difficult smartass about the whole thing.

  Karen: “Now Steve, if you had five dollars and then added two more dollars to that, how much money would you have?”

  Steve: “I would have a total of seven dollars.”

  Karen: “Very good. You’re correct. Now, I’m going to ask you a different question about counting money and using math, okay?”

  Steve: “Okay. I’m ready.”

  Karen: “If you had five dollars, and then asked your dad for another five dollars, how much money would you have?”

  Steve: “I would have a total of five dollars.”

  Karen: “I’m very sorry, Steven. I’m a little concerned that you don’t understand how mathematics work.”

  Steve: “I’m sorry, Karen. I’m a little concerned that you don’t understand how my father works.”

  The whole conversation between them continued like that. She would ask a question. He would give a smartass response, and she obviously couldn’t figure out that he was being a smartass.

  The skit was cute and funny, but I didn’t see James anywhere. Another skit came and went.

  When that act concluded I looked at my watch and a half hour had already passed. Since I couldn’t just go home and get to sleep, my backup plan was to attend his show, and leave immediately after I saw his act.

  Well, that was obviously falling apart. I had already been through two acts and I hadn’t seen nor heard from James. I guess it would have been smarter to ask him when his act would be performed. Then I could have showed up late, and possibly even left early at the same time. Hindsight is always better. Ugh!

  Just when I started to get impatient, a new show debuted and I saw James on stage. By this time, my margarita was almost all gone. I wasn’t drunk, but I was buzzing just a little bit. Maybe I should have ordere
d two large drinks. Although, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself home if I did that.

  James looked good. Actually, he looked damn good. He was dressed as Shakira and had some really awesome moves.

  James was dancing and moving around like crazy. I watched him pop and thrust his hips around like mad. It looked like he was wielding a hula hoop – but it was invisible. He spun around rapidly and made it look so easy.

  Then there was his makeup. It was caked on. I bet it took them a full hour to get all the makeup on like that. That would explain why he told me that he didn’t need his car before I left work. He got a ride from someone else.

  He didn’t have a dress, but he had a long skirt. It looked like it was velvet, but I’m not for certain. It was soft and flung around in wide movements. It glistened well against the room lighting. His shirt was a black blazer, and he had on a lot of jewelry.

  He looked great. I guess if I was a lesbian, I would want to fuck him. I’m not certain about that, because I’m one hundred percent hetero. He looked pretty though. He really did.

  My favorite part of his act was all the stretching and stuff that he did. He bent over his back into a half-circle, and then kicked his entire body around and landed on his feet. In other words, he flipped around. I didn’t know he had that much strength in him.

  The audience began to stand and clap. That was the first time all night that had happened. They really loved his show. I was so happy for him.

  To be honest, I really loved it too. Damn, I was surprised, but I loved it. He really knew how to move and work his body. Bravo! I wish I was a teacher who could give him an A+.

  The entertainment ended in a little over an hour. That gave me a chance to sneak my way into the back room. I wasn’t supposed to be there, but I figured the worst punishment that might come is that I would be kicked out. That didn’t really matter to me, because I planned on leaving soon anyway, and I would see James at home shortly thereafter.

  I walked into their dressing room. I finally saw James as he was removing his fake boobs and already had taken off his wig. I smiled and walked right over to him. “James, I wanted to congratulate you on putting together such a great show. I really enjoyed it and think that you did a good job.”


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