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Auctioned to Him 5: Her Addiction Page 7

  I glance over at Ellie out of the corner of my eye as I drive to the hotel. I want to go back to New York, back to work. But, for what? What do I even have to go back to? Robert Warrenhouse was my last shot. My last opportunity. No other single investor has that much money to play around with and institutional investors aren’t going to touch Owl with a hundred-mile pole, if there were such a thing. No, without a huge infusion of cash, Owl is pretty much over. The Board of Directors will want my head on a spike to save face in front of the shareholders and they’re entitled to it. They’ll give me a generous severance package, of course, and appoint someone else as CEO. That person will do his or her best to save Owl, but without going into advertising and trying to save the company by having it make money somehow, and not just be a free service, there won’t be much anyone will be able to do. The only thing I don’t know is exactly how long we will hold on. Will it be a slow decline into obsolescence like what happened to America Online or will we fall straight down to the bottom in a fiery crash like MySpace?

  “Are you okay?” Ellie asks, putting my hand over hers.

  I shrug and force a smile. My thoughts are running a mile a minute, one over another. One moment, I want to scream and punch someone for what Blake and Robert have done to me and the next, all I can think about is all the people who work for me and what they’re going to do next. I will still have money. Not as much as before, not a billionaire anymore. But, who cares? I don’t live on a salary of eighty thousand dollars a year like many of my engineers. And then there are the secretaries and the lower-grade employees. They are single mothers and fathers who support their kids on salaries as small as thirty or forty thousand a year. What the hell are they going to do? How much will all of this affect them? When this thought pops into my head, that’s when my disappointment and hopelessness really turns into anger and fury. Who the hell does Blake think he is for doing what he’s doing to Owl? And it’s all because he had his pride hurt a little bit. He did something wrong and a girl stood up to him. All because of that, he’s acting like the douche that I should’ve known him to be all along.

  “Fuck him,” I say, gritting through my teeth.


  I didn’t realize that that came out aloud. But if I can’t talk about this with Ellie, who can I talk about this with?

  “I’m just so pissed at Blake. And Robert,” I say. “I mean, less so Robert, I guess. Since he didn’t really sign anything and his lawyers didn’t go over any of Owl’s internal documents yet. But, still. He’s just pulling out because he’s taking Tom’s side. And for what? Why the hell is he taking Tom’s side? What a dick.”

  “I know, right? I mean, I thought that they would be happy that they found out the truth about who Tom was before their daughter married him. But I guess not.”

  “The thing is that some people don’t want to know the truth. They just want to live in their little bubble. They’d rather pretend that everything is okay than come face to face with facts.”

  Ellie nods and a tear rolls down her cheek.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “I’m just sad. I mean, you didn’t know Tom. But there was a lot of good about him. Of course, what he did is unforgivable. But I just don’t even understand how the hell it happened. Or why. I mean, we were friends for a very long time. We were really close. And he never showed himself to be someone who is capable of anything like this.”

  “Some people just snap, I guess,” I say. “I never thought Blake would do anything like what he did on the yacht either.”

  She nods. Little does she know, but I know exactly what she’s feeling right now. I knew Blake was a bit of a chauvinist and an asshole, but I had no idea he was capable of anything that he did on the yacht with Ellie. He took it too far, and finding out something like that about your friend is devastating. To say the least.

  “So, what are we going to do now?” she asks.

  “I don’t know,” I say, pulling into the parking lot. “Get some sleep, I guess.”

  “Sleep sounds like heaven,” Ellie says.

  I thought this would be a hotel, but it’s actually an inn. The Poplar Inn, to be exact. It has a white picket fence, a wraparound porch, and thick pine trees all around. An older woman comes out to greet us as soon as we come up onto the porch. She welcomes us in and tells us what time we can expect breakfast the following morning.

  Chapter 14 - Ellie

  At the Poplar Inn…

  Aiden carries our bags into the room. It’s not modern in the least, but it is incredibly charming. The walls are covered in flowery wallpaper and the dresser and the nightstands are covered with way too many knickknacks. This room was definitely decorated by an older woman with a little too many doilies to find homes for, but there’s something sweet about it as well. Plus, the view. Wow, the view is amazing. I walk up to the large bay window and stare at the brooding ocean just outside. The clouds have swept in, as if to tell us that there’s nothing good out in the world for today and we need to just stay put.

  “Isn’t the ocean beautiful?” I ask as Aiden walks up to me and puts his arms around me.

  “Yes,” he whispers. “But not as beautiful as you.”

  A big smile comes over my face. I try to push it aside, but my lips just part without my consent.

  “I want you,” he whispers in my ear, nibbling at the outer edge a bit. Shivers run down my spine. Suddenly, within a moment, all those thoughts I had on our way over here disappear. It’s not that I’m not concerned about what’s going to happen with everything in the future, it’s that I just don’t really care about it right now.

  “I want you, too,” I say. Without fully realizing what I’m doing, I just let my body do what it wants. I sink down to my knees on the carpeted floor. I pull down his pants. Not all the way down, but just enough to access the goods.

  Aiden exhales deeply with his whole body.

  “Ellie—“ he starts to say, but I stop him.

  “Shhh,” I say. I wrap my hands around his hard penis and lick the top. He reaches back and steadies himself a little with the chair behind him. I close my eyes and hold him close. I put the head in my mouth and start to suck gently. The softness of his skin makes me moan. I lose myself in the intoxicating way that he smells.

  I speed up a little, his whole body starting to shake. It starts like a ripple, but quickly becomes something more powerful like a vibration.

  “Ellie, this is…amazing,” he says slowly. The words barely come out as I continue to work on him.

  “Does it feel good?” I whisper through the licks. I flutter my tongue across the underneath part and feel as my own body shivers from the arousal and delight.

  I want this to last for a long time. I want to make him wait for it.

  “God…Ellie. Your mouth. You’re amazing. Keep doing that. Just like that,” he moans, tossing his head back.

  I get so turned on by his pleasure that I feel myself getting wet. His hands make their way down my throat and toward my breasts. He rubs my nipples over and over in the same rhythm as I suck on him. I love how slowly it started out and how aroused and hard he got in a matter of moments. I feel in control, but I can’t make it last. I want him to orgasm. I want to put him over the edge.

  My head bobs up as I pleasure him, stroking him with one hand and tugging and pulling on him with my mouth. I lick the veins that pop out of his hard cock and I slide my tongue over them, outlining them. Just when I think Aiden can’t get any bigger, he continues to swell and grow even thicker and longer. I look up at him occasionally and watch how much pleasure I’m giving him. He thrusts his hips in and out and I wrap my hands around his perfect ass.

  “I’m getting close,” he moans without opening his eyes.

  A part of me wants to make him wait. To tease him, just like he teased me. But I can’t wait myself. I’m completely stripped to my basic needs and the only thing I can think of is how I can make him orgasm and how good it’s going to be. No, I’m not
as strong as him. I can’t contain my excitement the same way. The thought of him reaching his climax in my mouth makes me crazed. I feel greedy and I don’t care.

  I grip his butt even more and move my head faster and faster. I’m becoming frantic. He moans louder and louder. My jaw starts to feel sore, but I work through the pain. I’m desperate for his climax. I need it like I have never needed anything before.

  The first spurt comes so quickly that it catches me off guard. I struggle to swallow. Aiden continues to thrust against the back of my throat with his cock throbbing inside of my mouth with each pulsation. His body starts to shake as I take everything he has. His moans become louder and louder, but become muddled when he runs out of breath.

  After the first few thrusts, Aiden collapses on the arm chair behind him, and I continue to lick him until he’s clean. His large cock doesn’t soften a bit and moves up and down a bit to meet my mouth. His cock is definitely ready to fuck me if I want it, but when I look up at his face, I can see that he is fully spent.

  “Oh… my… God… Ellie,” Aiden finally manages to utter.

  “Was that good?” I ask coyly, wiping my mouth and getting up from my knees. He nods frantically and I smile.

  “Good,” I say and head to the bed. I don’t want anything from him in return. I just wanted that. And now, I need to rest.

  It takes Aiden a few moments to gather himself. But within a few minutes, he plops down on the bed next to me with a loud thump. He runs his fingers along my arm and gives me a little peck on the back of my hand.

  Chapter 15 - Ellie

  After some sleep…

  I don’t remember falling asleep, but it’s pitch black when I finally wake up. I wake up late in the evening with Aiden asleep next to me. My stomach is grumbling in pain. I haven’t eaten anything since this morning’s Starbucks. As I try to run over everything that has happened, I get a headache and decide to give up instead. There’s no point in thinking about all that right now. I stretch my arms out and sit up. What I do actually need now is a glass of water. I walk over to the bathroom and cup some water into my mouth. My lips are so dry they are practically bleeding and my throat is completely parched. I feel like I haven’t drunk an ounce of water in weeks.

  I continue to scoop water into my mouth until I’m completely full. When I’m finally done, I look up at myself in the mirror. Not a pretty sight. My eyes are barely open and somewhat swollen on top of that. Whatever little makeup I was wearing is either gone or completely smeared in the most unattractive way. I splash water on my face and rub my eyes for good measure. After wiping my face with the towel, I finally feel a little more awake. Still very tired, but at least somewhat like a human being.

  When I walk back over to the bed, Aiden opens his eyes and smiles at me. I can still smell him on me and the aroma is intoxicating. Without a word, he reaches out to me and pulls me back into bed. I try to resist, but it’s to no avail. He kisses me slowly and deeply, savoring every moment. My hands slide down his back. He isn’t wearing a shirt anymore and my hand makes its way down his muscular back. As he pushes himself closer to me, I realize that he’s actually completely nude.

  “Hi,” Aiden whispers.

  I smile at him.

  “I want you to come for me now,” he says. His voice is deep and sexy, full of decadence. Every part of my body tingles. He doesn’t just want me to come; he wants me to come for him. As if on command. My heart flutters.

  “Oh, is that so?” I ask.

  He reaches down and wraps his powerful hand around my butt cheeks, squeezing them and lifting me on top of him.

  “Yes.” He nods.

  I run my fingers over his hair. Each strand is smooth, soft, and thick. When I tug lightly, he gives off a moan.

  He slides down my body and nuzzles his face between my breasts. He pulls off my top and pulls down the cup of my bra. I gasp as his mouth wraps around my nipple. He tugs and pulls and I can’t help but toss my head back in pleasure.

  “Do you trust me?” he asks. I open my eyes and look down at him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want to try something new. A bit different. But I think you’re going to love it.”

  My heart skips a beat. What could he mean? But before I can make a decision one way or another, I nod.

  Aiden gets off the bed and walks over to the table at the far end of the room. He comes back with scissors, which he fishes out of the top drawer.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  He smiles.

  “You said you trust me.”

  “I do. But, with scissors?” I ask, skeptically.

  He walks over to me and gets back into bed. Then he brings the scissors to my breasts. My heart jumps into my throat, but I know that there’s no way he would actually hurt me. So, I wait for him to do as he pleases.

  “I will get you another bra,” he says and lifts up the lacy portion and starts to cut. I watch carefully as he carefully cuts out the cup, leaving the straps and everything else in place. Once he’s done with one side, he takes that breast into his mouth and sucks gently, sending me into a throw of ecstasy. But he does not stay here for long. Instead, he turns his attention to my other breast. After a few moments, the cups of my bra are gone and my breasts stand erect and exposed before him. I’m still wearing the bra but it’s not doing much besides outlining my breasts.

  “Now, that’s better,” Aiden says, putting the scissors on the nightstand and taking my breasts into his hands. He nuzzles in between them and licks and tugs until I’m ready to scream out. I arch my back into him with pleasure and he pins my hands to the bed. Slowly, one of his hands makes its way down my body toward my core.

  “You’re all wet and swollen for me,” he whispers, pulling my panties to one side.

  I nod and open my legs. He pulls me closer, over his shoulders, and licks me between my folds. His mouth is soft and provocative on my sensitive flesh. I grab a hold of the sheets and squeeze them in between my fingers. My jaw tenses up. My breathing gets faster and faster. His tongue circles my clit at the top and nudges me just right. My hips start to move as if on their own.

  “Oh, Aiden,” I moan. But then he pulls away.

  “Not yet,” he says firmly.

  He is torturing me and he knows it. I both love and hate him for it. He is taking me to the brink of orgasm and not letting me go completely. A thin layer of sweat forms all over my body. It feels like the next stroke of his hand or tongue will set me off, but I try to hold on. Right before I let go completely, he pulls away. Again. I gasp and moan in disappointment. But instead of just coming right back, he gets up.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, shaking my head. No, this can’t be over. Not yet. I need to come. He can’t just leave me hanging.

  “You said you would trust me,” Aiden says, taking my hands and pulling me off the bed. He leads me over to the large chair with rounded arm rests. I think he’s going to sit me down in it, but instead he spins me around and bends me over it.

  He leaves for a moment and then comes back with a scarf, which he ties around my hands and the back of the chair. It’s not particularly tight, but the experience sends shivers through my body. I’m still wearing my bra, but my naked nipples are pressed tightly around the leather. When he has me in place, he gives me a little slap on my butt.

  “Oh, wow, you’re so hot, Ellie,” Aiden whispers. Except for my lacy panties, my ass is completely exposed to him. That’s all I am at this moment and it never felt so arousing. Slowly, Aiden pulls down my panties. When he reaches the bottom of my legs, I step out of them.

  “That’s a good girl,” he says, caressing my butt cheeks.

  “This feels so good,” I moan.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Aiden asks, pulling his hands from my body for a moment.


  “This feels so good, sir,” he instructs.

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper as my heart skips another beat and I smile. His fi
ngers return to me and make their way inside of my core. My legs spread over the arm chair to make extra room and he thrusts himself deep inside of me. My pleasure, mixed with a little pain, is completely intoxicating. I feel my body starting to pulsate.

  “Ellie, you trust me, right?” Aiden asks.

  “Yes, sir,” I moan.

  “This is going to be something new, but I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  Chapter 16 - Ellie

  We try something new…

  I look back. He gives me a big wet kiss and then pulls out a soft plastic thing, which starts out really narrow and then increases in width. It looks a little bit like a dildo, but not quite.

  “Open your mouth,” he says. I do as he says and he pushes it inside, letting me lick it. It’s shorter than a dildo and quite narrow at the tip. It also has a little round part at the end where he holds it, as if it were a knob.

  “What is it?” I ask in between my licks.

  “It’s a butt plug,” he whispers in my ear. As I continue to suck on it, Aiden buries his fingers deep within and then spreads my wetness upward. He runs his fingers over my ass, and much to my surprise, it opens up for him. The feeling of his fingers inside of my butt feels a bit different. It’s rougher and more primal and I get even more turned on.

  “Oh, you like this, do you?” he asks.

  “Yes, sir.” I nod. “Very much.”

  Aiden pulls the butt plug from my mouth and slowly inserts it into my butt. As soon as the tip touches me, I suddenly reach the brink of orgasm. My body starts to move on its own, with my hips begging for more.

  “Oh, Ellie, you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he says. I moan in pleasure as he thrusts deeper and deeper within me. Without stopping, he gets up and moves around toward me. I grab onto his hard erect cock and lick it as hard as I can.